App Development Process: Ultimate Guide To Carve Successful Apps
Application Development

App Development Process: Ultimate Guide To Carve Successful Apps

With the constantly rising technicality around, the world has reached a level where thousands of applications are designed and set for submission at the Google Play Store and App Store. There are therefore many tech addicts and freshers who may be interested in evaluating the mobile app development process and the probable elements included within.

There are different purposes for the numerous apps that are being designed or had been designed. They include apps for games, entertainment, social media, and e-commerce platforms. Moreover, as per professional consideration except for a few steps, the mobile app development process steps remain the same. And that is going to be the point of our discussion today.

Mobile App Development Process Steps

There are several considerable elements which need to be given importance for launching a successful app in the market. There are though methods and creation and many other points which separate the apps created on different platforms with one another, there is still much to explore in common. This is not a deal too small after all. When your mind is finally struck with the interrogation of how apps are developed? Here are the various stages and the steps are taken. Have a look.

Step 1 – Idea and Objective


Nothing in the world takes place without an idea. Therefore, the idea of doing something is the foremost factor you need to consider. Also, then recognizing what exactly your app should do. This is an absolute imperative task requiring thorough researches in order to come up with an imagination that is actually productive. You may need to focus on the below-mentioned points:

  • What services will your app provide?
  • Which share of the users are you going to appeal or who is actually a productive customer for you?
  • Additional features of your app.

All this should be decided in a way that the users are able to get some tangible benefits from the application and overall everything is productive and can be executed feasibly.

Step 2 – Identification

There are then certain things that still need to be recognized. This is going to be a challenging journey and hence you cannot miss any of the key steps or stages. Here are the points you may need to identify:

Application target users: If there are no users for the app everything would certainly turn out to be vain. You, therefore, need to be sure about the target users or the ones who are actually going to be benefitted by the application. A clear idea about the users would improve the success of the application you are going to come up with.

Compatible Platforms and Devices: The possible mobile platforms, OS and various other devices that would be compatible for use with your applications need to be known. Comparison between android vs iOS which platform better you know it.  This specification is one of the peak elements you need to recognize. This is one of the most considerable mobile app development steps, which paves the way through the required peripherals, battery life, hardware performance, and ruggedness. Mobile platforms and supported features will further decide the way an application would be brought up.

Revenue Model: When there are market booms like never before, you need to ensure that your application makes up the best revenue generation with the most appropriate resources. The app developers should reach out to the best approach as per respective situations. Including subscriptions, advertisements, in-app premiums and pay pert downloads; there are various revenue models for applications. Selection of the same however needs to be strictly in accordance with the application.

Also, this is the perfect time to look for the most appropriate sources of finance for your application. All through the events of development and marketing of the app you are needed to maintain your feasibility in the best manners.

Step 3 – Designing the App


The success of your app is significantly dependent on the innovative design it possesses. It is very important to be sure that the way you design your application is able to run compatibly with the market trends. Multiple-touch gestures for various devices and the UI design should be considered as per various mobile platforms. UI design in the current era plays the role of the major contemplation among any other elements. Since app design is going to have the very first impression on the user you cannot afford to take this part lightly. Therefore, this step should be marked as one of the most important web development tasks.

Step 4 – Identify the Development Approach

The development approach is further one of the most important elements you need to recognize. The most ideal approach selection is the one based on time and budget constraints of the client or business. You may be required to select between Native apps, PWAs, and Hybrid apps

Native Apps: Though native apps offer the best user experiences, they demand significant time and skills for development. These apps are known to require immense knowledge and expertise being platform-specific. Along with long development processes, native apps are costlier and ones with the highest user experience among others.

Web Apps: When the app development process and investments are considered web apps seem to be perfectly cheap and quick. Being compatible with almost all different platforms, these apps are much easier to maintain. CSS, HTML5, and JavaScript Codes play a major role in the development of these. However, user experience with these apps is not as well as native apps.

Hybrid Apps: This is known to be the latest approach to the development of an app. These would let users and developers experience the best of both worlds with its excellently combined prebuilt native containers. The developers, in this case, enhance the code using the native language to introduce the various features of the application. This also allows access to native APIs which is still not possible even through JavaScript. Along with easy web app development, this approach lets you experience the reliability of the native apps.

Step 5 – Develop a Prototype

Further, after identification, developing a prototype is one of the most important tasks you need to do. This is where the process begins when your idea would actually be converted into an application with some specific basic functionality. When you are looking in to sell your idea in the market to potential buyers, a prototype makes it better and easier.

Buyers may now be able to know the tangible benefits very easily without the need to go through the product description. Investors and visitors are more attracted to such manufacturers. However, when you do this, be sure that you take up appropriate measures to maintain its security.

Step 6 – Appropriate Analytics Tool

To have a perfectly detailed overview of how your app is being utilized by users, how frequently and by how many of them, you need to have the most appropriate analytics of the complete activity. Here are some of the mobile analytics tools which may prove to be helpful:

  • Flurry
  • Google Analytics
  • Preemptive
  • Localytics
  • Mixpanel

With predictive analytics and data science, these tools would help you to make apps perfectly marketable. These tools would bring out the probable results of the app development process you have conducted.

Step 7 – Identification and Integration of Beta Testers

beta testing

Beta testing would be the best way to get appropriate feedback from the target customers of your app. It also plays a major role in enhancing the visibility of your app in the app store. Along with reducing the risks involved with the app launch, beta testing improves the chances of success that may prevail.

Define target customer: Identifying and clearly defining your target audience is an important task. During beta tester recruiting this will help efficiently in the selection of right testers. Understanding market analysis with early market research makes beta testing processes easy.

Eliminate bugs: Before you start beta testing for your application on different platforms, various devices that would eliminate device-specific bugs should be taken into consideration. You may opt for alpha testing with a small group of users for the clearance of maximum bugs. You may set the device coverage plan at the same time in order to assure the quality of a mobile application.

Identify Goals: Beta testing lets you access real feedbacks of the potential target customers. This is perfect for developing a better understanding of the target market the further requirements which prevail or may arrive. By identifying goals you may be able to create a focus on efforts. Overall this would help well in reducing the product launch risks.

Step 8 – Deploying the App

This involves planning, scheduling and control of the movements when the apps would be actually released into live environments and users. Ensuring the integrity of the live environment is one of the major objectives of Deployment Management. It sees to the fact that correct and protected components are released.

Step 9 – Capture the Metrics

The number of mobile app users had been increased remarkably in the present decade. Therefore, it is very important to move and work along with accurate metrics. This is one of the considerable mobile app development process steps. Web analytics provided with some of the most probable methods for this.

  • Analyzing would let you recognize the reasons that are certainly creating stopple against the completion of desired activities of the users. Also, in-app purchases and ads click.
  • Measuring social sharing would signify the aspects that had been attracting users.
  • Correlation of demographic data and user behaviour.
  • Tracking location and time will let you grab various insights in respect to the use of your app.
  • The critical emergent behaviour of the user is then to be captured.

Step 10 – Upgradation


Once you’ve captured metrics, upgrading your application with some new, innovative and handy features is an important task. An app without innovation is likely to lose soon in the long run. Upgrading apps will help suitably in enhancing downloads and visibility. Your apps should not stagnate or fail to support the updated guidelines by different platforms.

While developing an app, these are some of the processes that should be brought to concern. These are likely to ensure success for your application in the competent long run.

Worthy Marketing of an Application

Well, this is no step of app development, but still a major part of it. When you desire to see your app at the heights of success, you need to be prepared for the most effective marketing techniques too. An app which lacks appropriate marketing with its very release is possibly near to disappearance in the tremendous collection of apps on various app stores. When you market your app well, you ensure the worthiness of all steps in the app development process.

With these points, strive to create the best applications and crave for success in the long run!


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